Politics, Privacy and Public Life

Whether you prefer your hair in a pouf or a plait or a hat, or you want your hair longer or shorter, or you wish it would grow back as it was when you were younger, or you prefer wigs, or you yearn for well-paying gigs, or improved academic grades, or to improve your knowledge of braids and ringlets and the history of the hairdo more generally, have you thought much about the history of basket weaving and the history of textile weaving and the weaving of political voices and the future of orchestrated public performances?

The global Mozarty Party does not usually give much attention to the history of hair partings or the history of partlets or tartlets or other creative outlets.  Politics is about the future.  Privacy is about the future.  Public life is about the future.

Throughout history, hair care, clothing and food have been highly political, whether in public or private.  Even a musical about hair has been political.  Music has always been political.  The display of jewellery and other accessories has always been political.

Cosmetics have always been political.  Quite a few have also been toxic. 

All toxicity is political.

All culture is political.

Nannerl is a non poo person in private but what is she in public?

Her brother is a poo joke person in private and an immortal celebrity in public.

What sort of person are you in private and what sort of person are you in public?

Perhaps you confuse your digital experiences with your private experiences.

Your digital experiences are primarily public even if you regard them as primarily private.

Public life may involve interactions with strangers or it may simply involve being in the presence of strangers and/or strange acquaintances, with or without being aware of the fact.  It can even involve being noticed and observed by strangers, or even false friends, with or without being aware of the fact.

How have you been composing the future of politics, privacy and public life, whether with a quiff, a coif or a collection of kitsch?

There are times when it is best to stay away from public life and focus one's attention on the art of enlightened composition.  Much of the best creativity begins in private, whether through relatively private interactions with trustworthy individuals or in the mind itself.

The mind is the world's most private location.

How do you interact with your own mind, particularly the part of it known as the imagination?

What has your mind revealed to you about private and public performance qualities?

What has your mind revealed to you about enlightened patronage?

What has your mind revealed to you about political philanthropy?

What has your mind revealed to you about access to minds?

What has your mind revealed to you about progress?

What has your mind revealed to you about the private location you are currently experiencing?

Perhaps you are confused about the fact that you currently have access to a private, online location.

Perhaps you are still confused about the meaning of privacy.

You may even be confused about the meaning of history and community and possibilities

Perhaps you require the services of a guide.

What is your own approach to providing private hospitality, community volunteering and public guidance?

Perhaps you do not usually regard politics as the provision of public guidance.

Perhaps you have never really experienced political pleasantness except through the Mozarty Party.

Political pleasantness involves the expression of necessary ethics, whether in private or public or anywhere in between.

Yet there are, of course, many public and private disputes around the topics of necessity and ethics.  Such disputes are the cause of many conflicts, including violent ones.

Providing the public with evidence-based explanations of the causes and consequences of such disputes is the responsibility of politicians.  When politicians fail to do that duty, quality journalists are meant to investigate why.

What is your acquaintance with public interest journalism?

What is your acquaintance with enlightened collaborations, of any sort, in the public interest?

How do you prefer to examine public figures?

How have you preferred to respond when someone has sought to examine your figure, whether publicly or privately, medically, romantically, sexually, fashionably, or otherwise? 

You may associate fashion mainly with public life rather than your private experiences, regardless of your income, age or visual appearance.  Indeed, politics itself is often a matter of fashion to superficially-inclined minds.

In Nannerl's time, even her brother did not have the right to vote.

In the United States of Gibson Girl fashions, the followers of those fashions did not have the right to vote.

Yet votes are a superficial form of power.  They do not change much in terms of political practices, especially in the absence of quality journalism and the presence of yellow journalism.

What is your acquaintance with political machines?

They have much in common with drum machines, diminishing the subtleties of situational experiences and swaying voters through dehumanising means.  Yet many persons with a propensity to bang drums do so with equal insensitively.

Nannerl takes her 21st century political cue from the history of New Zealand.  She regards herself as supporting the New Woman in the public sphere, regardless of the associated century.  Her brother does likewise.  What do you do?

Nannerl is a permanent member of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee.  She contributes to the committee's protest strategies in various ways though she is not known to make much use of a stylist, a stylus, a bicycle, a tricycle or a phonograph.

What is your approach to invoking assistance towards your activism, and from whom?

Perhaps you regard Nannerl as psychologically square.

If you are well acquainted with the biographical details of Nannerl's experiences in the world of mortals, you will know that she is associated with civility, not mediocrity.  Indeed, she is currently involved in collaborations between the global Mozarty Party, the Civility Party of Australia and the Australian Political Reform Club.

Australia, unfortunately, continues to be mainly associated with mediocrity, not civility.

In Australia, as elsewhere, popularity is usually mistaken for relevance.  Even fake popularity is usually mistaken for relevance.

The Mozart family will always be politically relevant, even though most of its members will not necessarily be well-known to the global public as notable or notorious persons.  The same applies to members of the Mozarty Party, of course.

Who usually decides upon the meaning of notability, notoriety and celebrity, and why?

What do you believe to be the qualities of a real world leader, and why?

Nannerl was born on 30 July 1751.  Today is therefore her 270th birthday.  She experienced her 70th birthday in 1821.

Nannerl permanently departed from the ordinary world of mortals on 29 October 1829, aged 78.

Have you had your 70th birthday yet, or even your 78th birthday?

Whether you have or not, how do you imagine the world in 270 years from your birth?

What is your acquaintance with the 1750s?

What is your acquaintance with 18th century grand tours?

While the Mozart family grand tour took place between 1763 and 1766, and they had visited Vienna from Salzburg in 1762, they were not exactly following the precedent set by Clara the rhinoceros.  Even so, Nannerl and Wolfie were displayed before the public, and in front of private audiences, in various locations.  They even experienced private audiences with heads of state.

What is your acquaintance with public and private audiences?

What is your acquaintance with public and private theatres?

What is your acquaintance with vulnerable species

What is your acquaintance with genre painting and other expressions of genre art?

What is your acquaintance with the history of satire?

You may be aware that political history mainly provides accounts of past ridiculousness.

You may be aware that political satire mainly provides accounts of present ridiculousness.

And much journalism also provides accounts of present ridiculousness, whether on the part of journalists, politicians, celebrities or members of the public.

But who presents the public, or anyone else, with sensible information about politics, privacy and public life?

Where do you usually find examples of the truth about politics, the truth about privacy and the truth about public life?

Where, in fact, do you usually find the truth about history?

Where do you usually find the truth about nature, including human nature?

You may or may not regard the global Mozarty Party as hip or cool yet the party is certainly not cruel or corrupt or otherwise objectionable.

Most members of the party regard hip hop as hypocritical, particularly in terms of the consumerism and incivility associated with it.

There is nothing admirable about hypocrisy.

Most members of the party regard hipsters of one type or another as equally hypocritical but even more superficial than the hip hopsters.

And a hippy, to most party members, is much the same as a macaroni.

How do you usually compare 1973 with 1773?

Between 1769 and 1773, Wolfie and his father toured Italy

Being no longer a child herself, Nannerl was forced by her father to stay home with her mother and await instructions on when she would be permitted to marry, or do anything else for that matter. 

How do you compare the music of 1773 with the music of 1973?

Nannerl had her twenty-second birthday in 1773.  She was not permitted by her father to marry until ten years later.

What have been your experiences of abuse?

What do you know about politics and policies in relation to family situations and community expectations?

What do you know about the lives of child prodigies, odd-toed ungulates, Pietro Longhi and William Hogarth?

What is your acquaintance with Nannerl's Music Book?

How well, if at all, do you play the harpsichord and/or fortepiano

What is your acquaintance of the relationship between music and politics in various contexts?

What is your acquaintance with Hippy Hippy Shake and the etymology of hippy?

What is your acquaintance with cottagecore, flower power and portrayals of the belle jardinière?

How are any of these questions relevant to the world as it is now, and as it will be in a few months and years from now?

If you are a good student of history you will know that some things never change or change very slowly while other things change very rapidly indeed.

For example, clothing in Europe in the 13th century was very much the same as it had been in earlier centuries.  Changes become more noticeable in the middle of the following century.

One change often leads to another, whether the initial change is associated with culture or nature.

Between the Mozart family's grand European tour and the Italian journey of its male members, the family had a second visit to Vienna in 1767.  Both Wolfie and Nannerl caught smallpox on that occasion.  They obviously survived the experience, unlike members of the royal family, including Archduchess Maria Josepha of Austria, who was only a few months older than Nannerl at the time.

History has noted many disruptive outbreaks of disease of course.

At the time of Nannerl's birth, many other disruptions were not yet known.  The disruptive technologies of the Industrial Revolution were not yet prevalent, even in Britain.

The Grimani family of Venice could afford to commission works of art from Pietro Longhi in the middle of the 18th century of a touring sensation.

Who could afford to commission paintings of Nannerl and her brother?

Who could afford to commission performances, improvisations and compositions by one or both of them?

Who could afford to commission scientific investigations?

Who could afford to print, publish and distribute important documents?

Who contributed to the Republic of Letters and who did not, and why?

What is your involvement in intellectual communities in the 21st century, and why?

What is your involvement in artistic communities in the 21st century, and why?

What is your involvement in political communities in the 21st century, and why?

How do you distinguish between the intellectual, the artistic and the political?

How do you combine the intellectual, the artistic and the political?

Publication is one of the most important contributions to public life, yet it means little if there is inadequate distribution, and no well-informed examination, of potentially important texts.

What, if any, have been your direct and/or indirect contributions to binomial nomenclature?

What, if any, have been your direct and/or indirect contributions to encyclopedic knowledge

What is your acquaintance with the Philosophia Botanica of Carl Linnaeus?

What is your acquaintance with the work of Denis Diderot in editing the Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers?

What is your acquaintance with Experiments and Observations on Electricity by Benjamin Franklin?

What is your acquaintance with An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals by David Hume

What is your acquaintance with The Age of Louis XIV by Voltaire

What is your acquaintance with Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray?

Nannerl and Wolfie were two of seven children to their parents.  The other five had died in infancy.  Their mother, Anna Maria, almost died giving birth to Wolfie.

So many children have died without knowing much of life at all.

So many mothers have died without knowing much about their own children.

So many people have died in obscurity, unremembered and ignored by history.

So many people have died as victims of cruelty, possibly after attempting to remind the powerful of their responsibilities.

Yet everyone contributes to history, even without being mentioned or known by name.

Some people are known to the public mainly or only by pseudonyms or through the fictional characters they have created.

Some people are only known to the public indirectly, through a well-known work of literature or music they have composed.

Some people are only known to the public through the interpretations of history by later authors, and by filmmakers and documentary makers.

Some people are only known to the public through controversies promoted by self-serving people.

Would Nannerl have been known to the public at all if Wolfie had died in infancy?

How did the global Mozarty Party become known to you?

What have been your most significant contributions to public life, and how do you know?

Perhaps you have written a poetic elegy or musical lament of long-term cultural value. 

Perhaps you have advanced science in a politically important way.

How do you usually judge political importance and distinguish it from aesthetic importance?

Many important ideas are influenced by earlier ideas and experiences, of course.

For many centuries, urban and political experiences have been contrasted artistically with the rural and pastoral experiences.

Have you ever written an idyll?

Have you ever used artistic and/or philosophical and/or scientific and/or journalistic and/or political means to encourage people to examine their own consciences more thoroughly?

Perhaps you have mainly been interested in entertaining people instead, possibly while diverting their attentions away from their consciences, and possibly even away from experiences of good taste.

Perhaps you privately enjoy picaresque novels, opera buffa, sentimental novels, science fiction novels and novellas, rococo arts, the products of Grub Street, the excessive consumption of alcohol, the lazy enjoyment of unearned wealth, dissertations on the supernatural, and even the expression of cruelty.

What is your acquaintance with The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle by Tobias Smollett?

What is your acquaintance with Le Micromégas by Voltaire?

What is your acquaintance with Amelia by Henry Fielding and the associated Paper War?

How do you compare the work of Torquato Tasso with the work of Pietro Metastasio?

How do you compare the work of Canaletto with the work of Hogarth?

How do you compare the work of François Boucher with the work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

While Canaletto painted a seemingly elegant urban landscapes, Hogarth portrayed urban chaos, particularly social ugliness.

Hogarth preferred to explore contrasts through his social commentary.

You may be familiar with Beer Street and Gin Lane. 

You may also be familiar with The Four Stages of Cruelty.

You may know Marriage A-la-Mode and A Harlot's Progress and A Rake's Progress and Industry and Idleness.

What do you know about teaching tunes to children and animals

What do you know about teaching morals to children and adults?

How do you compare one art collection with another and another

How do you compare one form of government with another?

Do you usually prefer to make comparisons in public or private?

Who, if anyone, do you compare with Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin?

Who, if anyone, do you compare with Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo?

You are likely to associate the global Mozarty Party with magnificence and magnanimity.

Do you have an opera seria approach to politics or a commedia dell'arte approach?

The latter is obviously much more common in terms of international relations, intergenerational obligations and ridiculous policies.

What is your acquaintance with The Clemency of Scipio?

What is your acquaintance with The Clemency of Titus

What do you believe to be the most important qualities of a competent librettist?

What is your acquaintance with Giambattista Varesco?

How do you compare incompetent librettists with incompetent politicians?

How do you compare the requirements of love with the requirements of politics?

How do you compare the work of Voltaire with the work of Antoine Augustin Calmet?

Do you have a scientific approach to the examination of superstitions or are you unhealthily superstitious?

Perhaps you regard Nannerl as a revenant

Perhaps you regard all skepticism about the non-natural to be irreverent.

Perhaps you regard reverence towards nature to be unhealthy and possibly even a form of heresy. 

Perhaps you regard all phonautographic recordings, and similar uses of technologies, to be reflective of vanity.

What is your acquaintance with a verse play called Aminta by Torquato Tasso and its subsequent influence on Metastasio, Felice de Giardini and especially Mozart?

The Shepherd King was composed by Mozart when he was in his late teens, in 1775.  It was first performed in the Rittersaal of the Salzburg Residenz of Colloredo, the unmusical prince-archbishop, for the visit of Archduke Maximilian Francis of Austria, youngest child of the Habsburg rulers.

What do you know about the history of the Residenz?

History itself is often a public narrative of past events rather than a private reminiscence.

Politics is meant to be a public narrative of current events and future possibilities, with appropriate respect for history, science and privacy.

Nannerl spent her married life in her mother's home village of St Gilgen.  She would have found it a considerable contrast to the royal courts of Europe, and even Salzburg itself.

With or without assistance from the global Mozarty Party, how do you prefer investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility?

Perhaps you are more interested combing your hair than combining the talents of various people for the common good.

Perhaps you are more interested in the quarrel of the comic actors than in the merits of the global Mozarty Party. 

How do you usually compare perceptions, and why do you take that approach?

How do you usually identify enlightenment, and what do you do as a consequence?

How do you compare comic opera and lyric tragedy, and for what reasons?

How do you compare a pastorale héroïque with a reform opera?

How, if at all, have you been investing in improving political practices, and with whom, and where, and why, and with what effect? 

How, if at all, have you been investing in a sensible approach to sustainability, and who, if anyone, has been preventing you from doing so?

How, if at all, have you been investing in improved constitutions, and under whose guidance?

How consistently have you been investing in good faith, and how can you be sure?

How carefully have you been investing money in improving the world, and how do you know?

How compassionately have you been investing in awareness, and where is your proof?

What is your approach to investing in structure, and for what purpose(s)?
